nurture, a combination of the two, perhaps spiced with a pinch (or
more) of lifestyle? The debate about what makes us the persons we are
today, has generated numerous possible answers over time. Recently, a
new ingredient has been proposed by some: the possibility that we have
been shaped at least partly by our experiences before and during birth.
Some of the external factors influencing fetal development – e.g. drug
and alcohol consumption by the mother – are well known. Others are
A recent TIME Magazine article
adds for example the mother’s “state of mind” and describes the
“provocative contention” that all these external factors provide the
unborn child with information that may shape both its physical and
mental traits. Processes like these, the article suggests, might be
triggered by something called “epigenetic modification, in which
environmental influences affect the behavior of genes without altering
DNA” (please bear in mind however the exact definition of what
constitutes epigenetics still seems to be subject of debate, even among scientists themselves).
similar is put forward by Anna Verwaal. Last weekend, this eloquent
international speaker and lecturer gave a series of workshops with the
compelling title "From Womb to World", in the beautiful entourage of the
sixteenth century castle of Alden Biesen (Bilzen,
Belgium). In the workshop I attended, she discussed how conception,
pregnancy and birth can impact not only our lives, but also how we pass
on life to the next generation.
me first introduce you to Anna Verwaal. Her record is intriguing. It
evolves from a career as a Maternal Child Health Nurse and Certified
Lactation Educator to that of a Birth Photographer, Birth Consultant and
Midwifery & Doula Instructor. Since 1990, she has been based in the
United States and traveling the world to raise awareness among those
involved in childbirth and education of her vision on how imprints from
even before conception can impact lives and how each human being might
have developed patterns that still affect them.
Verwaal's premise is that
understanding the roots of one’s imprints, one’s birth story and that of
one’s family, can be helpful in dealing with unresolved issues in life
(on a physical, emotional, mental, relational and maybe even a spiritual
level). In 2013, Anna Verwaal gave her first TEDx-talk, which might give you a better idea about what her work is all about.
entering the workshop we received a questionnaire. Just going through
the questions was a mind-opener since it made each of us realise that
there are quite a few blank spots in what we actually know about our conception,
our life in the womb and our own birth. Just think for a moment. What do you know about your birth? Let me give you just some questions to go along with your ponderings...
Was your conception a surprise,
an accident, an act of violence, planned or unplanned, wished for and
wanted, or were you maybe even adopted?
What emotions did your parents
have about your coming into their life?
Where you hoped to be a girl or a
boy? Did you already have siblings?
Were you part of a twin pregnancy in
which one of the twins vanished, or was your conception preceded by a
stillbirth, a loss, an abortion or another trauma?
Under what conditions
were you conceived?
Did your parents drink or smoke, use drugs or
medication, and what was their diet?
Were your parents exposed to stressful
events, trauma's, conflcits or certain particular environmental conditions?
Where were you born? At home or in the hospital? Pre-, term- or postterm?
Who was
present and how did the delivery go?
Did you breath spontaneously and
right away or did we need stimulation?
Where was your father during your
birth and what was his role?
Were you separated from our mothers or kept
Did your mother breastfeed you and for how long?
How was your mother’s and your
post-partum period? Were there any medical interventions performed?
is often said that in order to be able to understand the present, it
is necessary to know the past. If, in analogy, the claim that
what we have experienced in our earliest stages of development affects
who we are today holds true, it is remarkable that many of these
questions are likely to remain unanswered.
If birth imprints are indeed that influential as suggested, it might urge for a new
awareness in both pregnant women and those accompanying them through
pregnancy and birth (like the partner, family, midwife and the doula) on the importance of their actions and inactions. I would not be surprised to hear in the near future a call for change of our current birth culture and the place we give to our birth story.
growing attention for epigenetics and cellular memory also shows in "In Utero". This recent documentary movie by American director Kathleen Gyllenhaal
is currently being broadcast in different theatres in The Netherlands. In an interview with Michael Parker the filmmakers explain epigenetics and discuss the impact of "unconscious" memories. Watch the interview and the trailer here:
questions in the fields of epigenetics, pre- and perinatal psychology
and pre- and perinatal health are still unexplored and claims need
further investigation. Nevertheless, the growing body of literature does
provide food for thought for anyone involved in ensuring that children
have a healthy and happy entrance into this world.
If you feel for sharing and exploring your own birthstory or processing your own labour and childbirth experience, feel free to contact me. I am a registered Midwife and hold trust and confidentiality principles high.